Bach Flowers Remedies

There are periods or moments in life when we feel incapable of actively engaging in the task of improving our health or, in spite of a healthy , fit body, there is a lack of energy and interest in life, without any apparent reason.
Dr. Bach states that our temperament, mood and sense of well being change prior to the onset of disease.
Reckognising these alterations in time and intervening with the appropriate flower remedy can be very beneficial.
Initially skeptical, I have later witnessed the prompt effectiveness of these remedies, especially for people who are reluctant to take responsability for their own well being and require a remedy that is both very delicate and devoid of negative side effects.

In Doctor Bach’s opinion, disease is in essence the result of a conflict, a misalignment between Soul and Mind, and shall never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort. Fears, anxieties, and similar negative emotions open the way to the onset of illness.
The disposition, mood and perspective by which one perceives one’s own life can predict which disorder may come about or identify the profound cause of an existing illness. Careful observation of these states of mind is essential to find the proper remedy and to effectively cure the dis-order.

When the individual is helped with the proper flower to change this negative state of mind, the disease fades away, having been cast off by the increase in vitality.

Born in Wales in 1886, Edward Bach made up his mind to become a medical doctor at the age of six. After attaining his Degree in Medicine, he first practiced Surgery. Soon he turned to Microbiology and Homeopathy and became one of the top authorities in the field.

However, he felt that conventional medicine still focused too much on the fighting of illness, instead of trying to explore its causes. He then gave up his lucrative Harley Street practice to explore the world of Herbs and Flowers. His intuition and sensitivity allowed him to feel in his own body the effect of one particular flower, by simply placing a petal on his tongue or on the palm of his hand.
Over years of trial and error, which involved preparing and testing thousands of herbs and flowers, he singled out 38 of them.
Each one of these flowers and herbs is directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state. These emotions are categorised in seven groups : Fear, Uncertainty, Not sufficient interest in present circumstances, Loneliness, Over-sensitiveness to influences and ideas, Despondency or Dispear, Over-care for welfare of others.
When the person is treated with the appropriate flower, the negative emotion changes into its positive counterpart and the physical symptom disappears.

A few quotations from E. Bach:

“…the thirty-eight herbs heal gently and surely, and, as there are no poisonous plants amongst them, there is no fear of ill effects from overdoses or incorrect prescription”

“Each herb corresponds to one of the qualities and its scope is to fortify that quality, so that the personality can overcome the defect which is the principal obstacle.”

“ They ( the remedies) cure, not by attacking disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautifull vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which, disease melts away as snow in the sunshine”



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